On January 22, 2019, current and former APTA leaders gathered in Alexandria, Virginia, to celebrate the groundbreaking of APTA Centennial Center, a 7-story, 115,000-square-foot building that would become the association’s headquarters beginning in 2021.
The decision to build a new headquarters was carefully considered. An exploratory work group of APTA members discovered that the cost of adequately renovating APTA’s existing headquarters—also in Alexandria and the association’s national home since 1983—would be nearly as expensive as new construction with only a marginal increase in asset value for the association. The APTA Centennial Center, located in the National Landing area of Alexandria, was designed to encourage two concepts central to the physical therapy profession—collaboration and movement.
“Today marks a culmination of decades of vision, dedication, and leadership,” said APTA President Sharon L. Dunn, at the groundbreaking ceremony. “Today is possible due to the legacy of past leaders in the American Physical Therapy Association. It is a legacy of stewardship and of investing in the next generation.”